The Wyomissing Area School District encourages parent involvement in the educational process. Parents typically visit schools for special events, to volunteer with a particular project, or help with a class event. An observation by an individual parent, by its nature, is not part of a typical school day and may interrupt the learning environment. Therefore, the frequency and duration of parent observations are kept to a minimum. If, for a specific reason, a parent wishes to request an observation, the following guidelines apply:
Please schedule the observation in advance with the building principal and the teacher whose class you would like to visit.
- Sign into the office prior to your visit.
- Visit only the classroom or area in which your child is receiving instruction as scheduled.
- Observe without interfering in any way with the instruction you are observing.
- During the observation, remain in the location designated for you by the teacher or other staff member responsible for the instruction that you are observing. This will help limit any distractions to instruction.
Any follow-up discussion will be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time when the teacher is available and instruction is not disrupted.