April 3, 2020

Dear WREC Family,

We are finishing up our first week of distance learning together and I am pleased with
the initial response from our students. This past Monday, we had over 93% of our
students logged into Schoology and actively participating in online learning. I very much
appreciate that solid start! We will continue to help you work through any
technical/logistical issues with the ultimate goal of every school day having all WREC
students engaged in learning and actively working with their teachers online.

With that in mind, if you want to request that your student have access to his/her
student iPad because your devices at home are not integrating well with our
instructional resources, please email me at [email protected] and request to pick up
your student’s iPad. I have generally been scheduling pickups to coincide with the
handing out of school lunches at WREC. I will get back to you with a specific time/date
for that to happen.

As mentioned previously in Mr. Scoboria’s communication, we will be having online
school days next week on April 6, 7, and 8. Teachers will not be actively
communicating with students on Thursday, April 9th or Friday, April 10th, as those are
Spring Break days. We will begin a full week of online learning starting again Monday,
April 13th.

We have moved the end of the 3rd Quarter date from what was to have been March
25th to April 30th. This will provide ample time for all of our students to work with their
teachers in completing any outstanding third quarter assignments, as well as provide
more time to hear from state officials regarding a return-to-school timeline.

We had two major field trip events planned for the spring – the 5th-grade field trip to
Philadelphia and 6thGrade Camp. We are looking to reschedule the 5th grade
Philadelphia trip to take place early next school year. This has always been a great trip
for our students. The best avenue in working with a bus company and the Philadelphia
venues is to push the field trip into early next school year so that our current 5th-grade
students can enjoy this experience as a class. We realize that many of you have
already paid the field trip fee for that trip and that will all carry forward for next 
year. Should a family move out of the district, the field trip fee would be fully refunded.
No decision has been made concerning 6th Grade Camp at this time.

As always, if you have any additional questions, please email me at
[email protected], or call me at my extension listed below.
Stay healthy!

Corbett Babb, Ed.D.
West Reading Elementary Center
610-374-0739, ext. 5211