May 8, 2020

Dear WREC Family,

Third quarter report cards are in the mail, and we are now a week into what will be a very short fourth quarter marking period.  As noted in my communication last week, the fourth quarter began on Friday, May 1st.  All assignments and schoolwork from this point forward will count towards fourth quarter grades.  Students should continue to log in to their Schoology accounts daily to check on posted assignments from their teachers, submit assignments, and read messages from their teachers.  Students are also expected to attend daily scheduled Webex online classes with their teachers.   The last day of the 2019-20 school year is Friday, June 5th.  Teachers will not be posting any new assignments the week of June 1st-5th.  We will use that week to catch up on any missed schoolwork and to close out the 2019-20 school year.  

Parents can check their student's 4th quarter progress including attendance for Webex sessions on Home Access Center. You can get to Home Access through our Wyo Area Homepage. There is a quick link on the home page. Make sure you change the view to full view to see “percents” and “RC 4”. RC 4 will be the 4th quarter progress.  If you see an “M” it means a missing assignment. For Webex sessions, you will see a 2 or zero. 2 means the student attended and participated. Zero means they missed the Webex session.

If your student is struggling with getting on to Webex, please contact [email protected] for IT support or contact [email protected] to pick up your student’s device from school. If there are any other reasons in which your student is struggling, you can always email your student’s teachers or our guidance counselor [email protected] for additional supports.

We continue to provide lunch and breakfast meals for all students from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm on Mondays (2 days of meals) and Wednesdays (3 days of meals) at the WREC main entrance.  The last scheduled date for meal distribution is Wednesday, June 3, 2020.  We will not have meal service pick up on Monday May 25th (Memorial Day) and will resume meal pick up on Wednesday, May 27th.

As always, if you have any additional questions, please email me at [email protected], or call me at my extension listed below.  We are currently working to set up a schedule for students to return to WREC this month to pick up personal items, return library books, clean out desks, lockers, etc.  Details concerning that will come out later this month.  We are also planning to offer some summer programming using virtual/remote services and will be working over the next couple weeks to determine what we are able to provide this summer.

Stay healthy!

Corbett Babb, Ed.D.


West Reading Elementary Center