June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020

Hello WREC Family,
Congratulations on the completion of the 2019-20 school year! While it will forever be
remembered as the school year interrupted by COVID-19, I’m proud of the way we pulled
together and “finished strong.” Our summer mailing should arrive in the next few days and
contain final report cards, 7th grade course placements for our graduating sixth graders, and
information about summer programming at local libraries. With the amount of time we have
spent in front of screens this spring, I’m encouraging everyone to enjoy reading some good
books over the summer.

While the vast majority of you have returned to WREC this week to pick up your
student’s belongings and return school materials, there a still a few families who have not done
so. For those families who have not, please contact the WREC main office next week to arrange
a time for your student to return to the building and take care of that. The WREC main office is
open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm during the summer. Listed below is what students should bring
back to WREC:

· All school supplies that belong to your teacher or to the school:
· iPad, cables,  & chargers (6th grade only)
· Textbooks (you do not need to return math or science books)
· Classroom novels
· Calculators
· COACH books
· Library books
· Sheet music (Spartan Singers only)

We will continue to distribute lunch and breakfast meals for all students from 11:00 am –
12:30 pm on Mondays (2 days of meals) and Wednesdays (3 days of meals) at the WREC main
entrance. The last scheduled date for meal distribution is Monday, June 29th.
Please continue to follow our District website and social media posts to participate and
support all of our students. I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone in person
again, and am hopeful that will be the case as we begin the 2020-21 school year.

Corbett Babb, Ed.D.
West Reading Elementary Center
610-374-0739, ext. 5211